Cover, The Last Post Edition 31,  Remembrance Day 2023, nurse Vivian Bullwinkel from Australian War Memorial

Latest Edition: Issue 33
– Bravery Trust Day Edition 2024

We are extremely proud to release our latest edition.

Since I started The Last Post in 2011, I have had the privilege of meeting and working with some amazing people. None more so than Bravery Trust. Bravery Trust is a national military charity which provides current and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force with financial aid, financial education and financial counselling. Their service is free, confidential and independent of the ADF. Here is their historic Special Edition.

The Last Post Interviews with Greg T Ross

Since 2011, The Last Post has brought the lives of great Australians and others into our lives with interviews outstanding for their honesty and intimacy. Below are a few great interviews, many more can be found here


‘I applaud The Last Post for doing its part to ensure we are keeping the Anzac spirit alive. It is the least we owe for a debt we can never repay.’
The Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd), Former Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia

‘This magazine provides the RSL with an excellent additional platform for keeping our membership up to date on some of the activities, challenges and opportunities currently in progress across the RSL network.’

‘The Last Post is something the ex-service community badly needs.’
Peter Phillips, Former RSL National President (1997-2003)