Greg sits down for a chat with Australian writer/director/producer Bill Bennett about his latest movie project, Facing Fear – The Interviews. Eighteen months ago, Bill Bennett set off around the world to make a film on fear. He interviewed a broad range of people including leading experts on fear. Then the coronavirus hit, and that put a temporary stop to production. Yet fear was running rampant, and Bill realised there was a desperate need for the kind of information he’d gathered. So as a precursor to the film, he’s created a website – Facing Fear – The Interviews which contains edited versions of each interview, along with up-to-date Zoom interviews discussing how to manage fear during the current crisis. There’s 27 interviews in all, each running 45-60 minutes, providing nearly 24hrs of crucial and practical advice on how to get on top of your fears. It’s an extraordinary resource discussing fear in depth, tailored to what we’re going through right now.
Bill Bennett Interview